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Nazareth House PS, Derry


2015/2016 School Year

16th Mar 2016
P.2 have worn something green for St Patrick's day and brought in very generous...
15th Mar 2016
Today the children had an Easter hunt in Tesco.  They found out about different...
10th Mar 2016
P7 children are looking forward to their Confirmation which will take place in Longtower...
10th Mar 2016
How quickly the seasons change.  Here are some of our recent Winter walk photos...
19th Feb 2016
We had a lovely visit from Nurse Karen today.  See "Galleries- P.1a" for lots...
12th Feb 2016
See more pics by clicking on the "Pupil" tab and then --> Grandparents
10th Feb 2016
Check out the grandparents' interviews in the Pupil tab.
10th Feb 2016
Primary 2/3 gave an assembly about Catholic Schools Week.  The theme was 'Mercy'...
9th Feb 2016
There were lots of mini bakers at school today busy making pancakes.  We read...