Contact Details
Please direct any P3 questions/queries to:
We will endeavour to provide a response by 3pm the following working day

Welcome, everyone to our P3 class! Our teacher is Mrs Higgins and our learning support assistant is Mrs Mc Closkey, Miss McLaughlin, Ms Brown & Mrs Devine
Our breakfast club has reopened and opens at half past 8 each morning. For breakfast there is cereal, toast and orange/apple juice and costs 60p each day.
We must bring a healthy break to school with us. This means a drink of still, unflavoured water or milk, and a portion of fresh fruit or vegetables.
We must bring a coat with a hood every day - our weather is very unpredictable!
P3 break time is 10:30 and our lunch time is 12:00
Our topic this term is 'All about me'.
When school is over at 2.30pm we will meet our parents on the playground.
Welcome Primary 3
Patterns and sorting in Primary 3
P3 'Home Learning'
Stars of the week
Mathletics Achievements in Primary 3

Mathletics Achievements in Primary 3
Class Newsletters
Nazareth House Primary School and Nursery Unit, Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UN | Telephone: 028 71280212