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2020/2021 School Year

12th Feb 2021
Fantastic work on Mathletics this week primary 7 we have lots of certificates this...
12th Feb 2021
Another great week in p6 in Mathletics. Aaron, Anna, Aoibh, Aoife, Brandon, D'arcy,...
12th Feb 2021
Great work this week primary 5 on Mathletics. We have lots of bronze certificates...
12th Feb 2021
Well done to our primary 4 boys and girls on your hard work this week. Bronze certificates...
12th Feb 2021
Great work in primary 3 this week. We have two silver certificates going to Ellie...
12th Feb 2021
Great work in mathletics this week primary 3. We have two silver certificates this...
12th Feb 2021
Well done boys and girls on your hard work this week. We have five bronze certificates...
5th Feb 2021
Well done to our primary 3 children this week on their Mathletics. Erin gained her...
5th Feb 2021
Great work in primary 3 this week on Mathletics, with silver certificates going...
5th Feb 2021
Great work from our primary 4 children on their Mathletics this week. We have 2...